Green Leaf Smoothie, and turning a new leaf

It has been an interesting few months. I went from running 4 days a week, beating my personal records, living my life at the fast pace I always have- to a total immune system crash. Truly, it felt as if I had been hit by a bus. It started with pin pricks of pain in my legs. The pain became more frequent. Then my mind started getting fuzzy, I couldn't think straight at times, and my left limbs would go numb and tingly. My doctor told me I was just ANXIOUS. There were days I could not stand up. I became faint and lost 15 pounds in 2 weeks. Vertigo to the point that it felt impossible to walk for more than a few paces. It felt like I was crawling out of my skin. I felt like a human pin cushion. The pain in my head was so blaring, there were nights that I did not sleep. I simply drove until I was too tired to drive anymore. I knew there was something happening in my body, but 3 doctors turned me away with no diagnosis other than a variation of mono.

Fast forward 3 months, my health has improved a decent amount, and I have been diagnosed with Epstein Bar, Celiac Disease, Adrenal Fatigue, Hypothyroism, and severe nutrient deficiencies. I did not even know where to start with my diet, but this was a recipe I was comfortable with already. I have since learned that raw spinach and nut milks are not AIP compliant, but this is still a good drink for someone who is not experiencing high inflammation in the body. Raw spinach can be difficult to digest, but totally okay in moderation in my experience. This may sound a little weird but it tastes so good-- 

Green Leaf Smoothie-1/2 frozen banana-1/3 cup blueberries-1 cup spinach-handful cilantro-cinnamon-turmeric-Pepper (Not AIP compliant)-1/2 cup unsweetened orig almond milk (Not AIP compliant)-water for desired consistency

I think I'll start documenting this journey as I learn to live a totally new lifestyle. Learning to cook in a brand new way has become empowering for me, and I want to share that with others. Not just others with autoimmune disease. Anyone who is not feeling connected to his or her body. This is a journey of mind body synergy, and learning to live abundantly despite the cards that I have been dealtTo be young and feel your body has failed you is difficult to overcome, but I believe that it has been my saving grace. Believing in yourself is the most fundamental piece of this puzzle we call life. 

I hope to continue to feel inspired to listen to my own body, and to be a vehement advocate for myself and others who may have felt unheard.


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